TUHF hosts a Finance & Development Facilitation Session

At TUHF we’re continually looking for ways to empower our clients, ensuring that they always have the edge to develop and grow their businesses. The TUHF Development Impact Unit (DIU) hosted a number of workshops in Johannesburg late last year to do just this!

TUHF’s DIU felt that some our small scale developers in nearby city neighbourhoods were often unsure of how to access various City Officials as well as not being confident regards the best way to go about the development process.

The DIU workshop offered a platform where the City of Joburg (CoJ) and TUHF facilitated and streamlined the development application and loan application process for the areas mentioned. It also meant having the ‘bank’ and the ‘City’ in the same room, accessible to small scale property entrepreneurs and simplifying the development application process.

We had a real mix of people: interested clients; JDA officials; City Transformation officials from CoJ; Land Use Management officials from CoJ; a lecturer on Architecture from UJ; two TUHF loan officers and DIU staff! The two workshops covered a number of topics including what TUHF does and how to access finance; information regards the programmes and policies within the Corridors’ Strategic Area Frameworks (SAF’s), including Building and Site Development Plans.

TUHF clients also got an opportunity to meet some City Transformation officials, Land Use Management officials and a representative from Economic Development. Clients at the second workshop were able to have one on one sessions where they could present proposals, applications, SDPs, Building Plans or any questions so that the City could assist them.

Clients’ feedback was positive, however there is still a fair amount of scepticism regards the collaboration and support from CoJ. TUHF is committed, as always, to help all our clients regards any of their building challenges.

Download a pdf file of some of the presentation slides here.

We’re certainly looking to host these workshops again in the future. If you are interested in attending our workshops in future, please click here.