Mayor Mashaba announces buildings to be revamped in the inner city

JOBURG – Joburg Mayor Herman Mashaba said the revamping of the buildings will create jobs in the City.

City of Johannesburg Executive Mayor Herman Mashaba has recently visited some of the 84 properties planned for development in the City.

Mashaba said he wants development that will create jobs in the City as the country battles to reduce unemployment. The mayor revealed that this project will create 900 jobs.

The first development was awarded to EGC properties to reconstruct Vannin Court, in Hillbrow. An EGC representative said that they are looking at a R45 million budget for the construction of the building, with 400 prospective jobs.

The second and third building awarded on the day, were Beaconsfield Court, Hillbrow and Newtown Gwigwi Mwrebi Street, where 253 housing units are expected to be built.