TUHF hosts the first Inner City Property Conference


TUHF Limited hosted a one day conference on 10 October 2018, which gathered industry players from the public and private sector involved in inner city development including development agencies, listed property funds, property managers, brokers and the media.

The purpose of the conference was to create a platform for sharing thought-leadership between various inner city parties to activate growth, by discovering future investment opportunities and common benefit for all inner city players.


Speakers & presentation:

Thabang Moleko: TUHF Portfolio Manager (MC)

CLLR. Reuben Masango: MMC Development Planning – Requirements of an effective partnership between developers and city management

Dylan Weakley – Densification as a driver for inner city economic growth

Lukhona Mnguni – Urban Land Reform: Political and Risk Assessment of South Africa



Panel Discussion – Inner City Investment Returns:

Velda Derrocks: TUHF Portfolio Manager (Facilitator)

Carel De Wit: CEO IndluPlace

Rob Wesselo: MD IHS

Nic Barnes: Chairman JPOMA



Topic: Exciting innovations in inner city developments around the country and globe

David Gardner: Specialist Human Settlements & Development

Dr Michael Magondo: WIBC 

Solomon Ramalamula: Take Shape Property Management



Topic: Debt and Equity – Structuring finance for inner city property analysis by Future growth, NHFC, TUHF

Paul Jackson: TUHF CEO (Facilitator)

Paul Semple: Futuregrowth Portfolio Manager

Sivan Govender: TUHF Portfolio Manager

Tsholofelo Ramotsehoa: NHFC General Manager



Closing Session: TUHF Program for Property Entrepreneurship 

Paul Jackson: TUHF CEO

Henry Chistulo: Bold Moves63

