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TUHF Inner City Property Conference 2019

TUHF takes a long-term view to developing inner cities in South Africa. Despite the many challenges, the prospects for inner city residential property remain strong. The demand is ever increasing: South Africa needs safe, low-income rental housing close to people’s places of work and TUHF is poised to meet this need on ever-increasing scales.

TUHF Limited hosted a one day conference on Wednesday, 30 October 2019 gathering industry players from the public and private sector involved in inner city development including inner city property investors, development agencies, listed property funds, property managers, brokers and the media. 

The conference created a platform for sharing thought-leadership between various inner city parties to activate growth, by discovering future investment opportunities and common benefit for all inner city players. 


  National Inner City Trends – Prof Francois Viruly

  National Inner City Market Research – Hayley Ivins-Downes

  Site Disruptions in the Construction Industry: Reasons and Challenges – Andile Zondi